








# 未婚男性中年龄最大的人的所有信息

select * from employee where is_married = 0 and gender = '男' 

and age = (select max(age) from employee where is_married = 0 and gender = '男'); 


select count(id) from employee; 


select*from day29 order by age; 

#年龄排序 倒序

select*from day29 order by age desc;

 #子查询 查最大年龄的人的人名

select name from  day29 where age=(select max(age) from day29);

#按照年龄分组 显示年龄和分组人数

select count(id), age from day29 group by age ; 

#查杨小小的所学课程 显示课程和人名

select*from day29 where name='玨李'; 


select name, course from day29 where age=(select min(age) from day29);


select*from day29 where age=(select max(age) from day29);


select*from day29;


select*from day29 where id =2;

#插入 张三,男,22,Java 这条数据

-- insert into day29(name, sex, age, course) values('张三','男','22','java')


select id from day29 where name = '玨我的王'; 

#把李月的课程改为Java 年龄改为21岁

set SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; #关闭安全模式 0为关 1为开;

update day29 set course='java', age= 21 where name='玨我的王'; 


delete from day29 where id=2; 


delete from day29 where age<18; 



keep trying!
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朱明*    16593 天津市宁河县 设计师杨冰是女孩 1996.**.**
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